Tuesday 11 September 2012

Post #254 The Social Networking Annoyance

Okay, so, being a teen in this 21st century I am of course, exposed to social networking sites. Such as, (well, I'm pretty sure which one you might consider), FACEBOOK!!!!!!! <---- exclamation marks added for extra effect and 'oomph', yeah just trying to make a point, okay I should probably get back to what I was typing.
Yes, the almighty, biggest of the biggest sites used everyday by us spoilt teenagers. A "Pokedex" for people
all over the world and a playground fit for bullying, bitch fights, profile stalking and a tool for those to earn their spot in the 'be seen' section. But the thing that annoys me truly the most is that nowadays children of all ages are creating accounts and abusing Facebook which shocks me. It wasn't such a long time ago when I was a twelve year old, but to me Facebook didn't exist to me. No one in my class, not even my teacher knew a thing about it and yet in a flash, it appeared out of nowhere and who was I to criticise it? I straight away wanted an account and created my Facebook account but had no clue how it operated and what to do with it. I.JUST.DIDN'T.GET.IT. Eventually I left it and never came back for a month, but as soon as I did, so many had gotten an account and even though I didn't realise it at that time, I sure did get a lot of friend requests and notifications which would have made me feel like Mrs.Popular with a capital P although it is very hard to gain 23 friend requests in a month now because I am after all, Mrs.Loser with a capital L.

But come awwwwwnnnn, Facebook has over 840 million active users (possibly more) and more than 7 million users are under the age of 13! There has been debate about whether these children are too young to be using social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and twitter and so children under the user age should be banned for very obvious reasons. 

Firstly, Facebook is just a big stadium fit for many unnecessary things that young children shouldn’t be exposed to at their age. To some, bullying can only be a minority but EVERY person using Facebook is affected by its basic features such as needing to keep one’s image or online reputation.The amount of time children spend on Facebook is unhealthy, it contains a wealth of damaging information and dodgy sites they shouldn’t be coming across, a study has shown that on an average children spend more than 7 hours on Facebook and other websites weekly it exposes them to hundreds of dangers and there have been countless cases in the media where children have come to harm after meeting people they have met online. Some debate the fact that children should have rights to use social networking sites and that there isn’t any harm but the truth is that, no, they don’t. No more than they have rights to attending nightclubs, or enter pubs or drinking alcohol. They are banned from these things because they are dangerous and inappropriate for children. The internet should have limited uses for children and that sites such as Facebook shouldn’t be even one of them. And when you think about it- what do children need it for? They don’t use it to stay in touch with old friends being that they see them every day at school, it has nothing on it that will help them whatsoever with school work.

What twelve year olds
seem to be doing now.... -.-
A survey in Australia from 500 teachers had evidence that a shocking two thirds of students rush through their homework in order to spend more time online. The teachers described their students as ‘gripped and obsessed’. Another survey taken in Australia had showed that the leading distraction for children at home while doing homework was Facebook. It is so simple and easy to get distracted by it and to easily lose focus on the more important things that children should be focusing on. It is such a measure of the way we live and our society using technology that this incredible resource we should embrace and should be such a wonderful education tool has evolved into yet another danger to children. Why? Because what has been created into the most popular phenomenon is a website that allows everyone to practically show off how popular we are, post silly and random amounts of photos and spy on each other. Does it help children at all? Some of them using it have no idea what privacy settings are or even how to use Facebook.
"We are heading towards an entire generation of illiterate Facebook-fluent youngsters"
Another point of why Facebook should try harder to ban children from the use of the site is how will it develop them in the future? What impact will it have for them? With the abbreviations we are so fond of using like ‘LOL’ or ‘FYI’ also known as ‘text speak’ is slowly creeping more into everyday conversations or writing and with children reading less and less books it seems as though we are heading towards an entire generation of illiterate Facebook-fluent youngsters as they depend more and more on spellchecks and instead relying technology to do it for them. This could lead them to fail completely in the future. Are we not concerned by the development of a generation of kids’ whose experiences of human reaction and behaviour are shaped by who has ‘poked’ them on Facebook or added them as a virtual ‘friend’. Many of these children even their parents may think well what could possibly go wrong or what am I in harm of? 
Because the truth is, anything could happen to anyone on the online world when they possibly least expect it. It can happen to you. This is what Facebook could do to children of a young age and when they shouldn’t be able to access social networking sites such as Facebook. 

Even sitting in class all by myself, I stare at others computer screens and notice a large amount have been able to access Facebook via air proxies. When I get home and log into Facebook so many bloody twelve year old's already have a relationship status or uploaded pictures of them in galaxy leggings, dip dyed hair and a face covered in make-up. If that's what you gotta do to stay cool then my, oh, my, what has the world developed into? This, of course, is just my opinion, but hey, I don't know what yours is! Think About It.

Lizzy Dee Muffins xoxo

*A Wittle Story

Here's something that you might wanna read if you have the time and if you can spare to waste a minute or so on your life. Okay, my brother who is twelve and school captain for his primary school had his school concert just recently. Something that I found really weird was the amount of technology the kids in the primary school had in their pockets such as Ipods, mobile phones, iPhones, cameras, video cameras and so on,while all I had was well, a crappy $99 prepaid phone which had no credit and really was in my pocket for no specific reason. I think simply that our generation of kids are more easily exposed to getting all these new gadgets and gizmo's that cost an absolute FORTUNE whereas, when I was that age, I was still playing with Bratz dolls! Another weird thing I found was that a grade 4 class performed a song about Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Messenger and I was like *American African Voice*, "Oh Hell No!"

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