Tuesday 11 September 2012

Post #111 Pursuit of Happiness (no, not the movie)

As I was sitting in class with my dull, bored look expression on my face, our teacher surprised us by doing something a little different than our usual schedule of boring English revision. Instead she decided to come up with doing something "fun" although everyone knew a high-school teacher's version of "fun" would be completely different to our definition. So she surprised us with poetry. 
Oh, dear god, help us all. Poetry! *Shoots self in face*
But no, not the type of poetry you would normally expect. This was actually INTERESTING and I found this one as my favourite.
Andrea Gibson/ Pursuit of Happiness
I quite liked this one for a couple of reasons. Her message, simply being, "Are we aware of what is actually happening in wars? Do see the other things other than what is shown in the media? Is this the best path to happiness?"

Lizzy Dee :)

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